
“Oh, to be alive in such an age, when miracles are everywhere, and every
inch of common air throbs a tremendous prophecy, of greater marvels yet to be.” 
-Walt Whitman

Is it really August?  Have we seriously passed through two thirds of the summer months?  Wasn’t it just yesterday when we got the sprinkler out for the first time and oohed and ahhed at fireworks?  It seems like just days ago when we began placing on the calender, one by one, all the summer adventures we would experience during these months.  And today, out of nowhere, it was time to turn the calender to the final month before the trees surrender their leaves for the harvest time. 

But. . . it’s not over yet.  As much as I am prone to grieve these quickly passing days, my spirit longs more to experience them fully.  Not to let them pass by without notice, but to see in the common everyday, that the marvels are everywhere.  A part of me that longs to truly be alive.

There are many things that make me come alive.  At the top of the list are these three people. 

Without a doubt it is in their presence that I am most alive.  And as much as I tend toward the contemplative, serious, and structured. . . it is their silliness that keeps me balanced.

Despite my attempts, though, I often fall prey to the monotony of the schedule, the agenda, and the mundane.  Day after day passes and I think back and forget. . . what did we do?  There are days when I am merely just present without my presence. 

Mr. Whitman’s words have challenged me. 

“Oh, to be alive in such an age, when miracles are everywhere, and every
inch of common air throbs a tremendous prophecy, of greater marvels yet to be.”

I believe it. . . miracles are everywhere.  I really do believe that the common is pregnant with greater marvels yet to be seen.  My responsibility lies in opening my eyes to see it.  So, I’ve been challenged to focus on this for the next week.  To train/discipline/force myself to notice the wonders all around me.  To delight in the ordinaries.  To slow down.  To look deeper into the commonplace and see what lies within it.  To notice the gift it is to be alive.

Pretty simple, eh?  As we round the corner to the final weeks of the summer, though, I want to be sure to be in it.  To experience the whole of it.  In essence, the question I will be asking myself is. . . what makes me come alive?

Care to join me?  What makes you come alive?

I will document my experience when it’s over. . . how about you?

  • Sassytimes - August 1, 2011 - 12:40 pm

    This reminds me of a quote my husband sent me this weekend:

    "I choose to live, not just exist."
    -James Hetfield

    Living makes life so much more meaningful. Can't wait to hear all the wonders you find.ReplyCancel

  • Adopted aunt - August 1, 2011 - 7:34 pm

    I will try? I know that being with my family makes me whole. But knowing that my two sons will be going to college and the other one to DC makes me wonder where the time went ESP being in TX this last week with my brother, sis, and six year old nephew. I know that your children add to the richness of my life and I miss them all. My friends make me whole. We all need to slow down and be in the momentReplyCancel

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