Monthly Archives: March 2011

Anyone who really knows me, will likely be confused by that statement.  Baseball coach?  Really?  Sports have never been my thing.  Unfortunately, I have virtually no interest in them.  I’ve tried my best to feign interest for my very sports minded husband, but it’s hopeless.  My attention span connected to any sport lasts about 13.5 […]

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Not really. . . but my heart was certainly doing some incredible gymnastics that I’m certain included something like a series of back handsprings, a few layouts, and a couple of flawless toe touches, before finishing with a perfect split.  Seriously, that’s what it felt like when flowers arrived at my door on Saturday. Aren’t […]

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I’ve always leaned toward thankfulness.  I believe it’s part of my DNA.  I don’t think I’ve ever heard my Dad say a pessimistic word.  If there is a bright side, he will find it and make sure you see it, too.  I remember sometime during my late high school or early college years, Oprah was […]

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I’ve been avoiding it for weeks.  I knew I had to do it, but I just didn’t want to face it.  I wasn’t ready.  I’ll do it tomorrow I would say to myself.  But another day passed, and then a week, and another week.  I forcefully shoved the thought out of my head.  I’ve got […]

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I’ve been sitting here for quite awhile staring at the glow of the New Post screen as I try to formulate my thoughts.   My mind wanders from a less than ideal day at work to thoughts of tomorrow. . . Tuesday. . . my favorite day.  I sort through the pictures and look for inspiration […]

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