Category Archives: Uncategorized

Two weeks ago I had the rare opportunity to be in the grocery store by myself. There was no tiny voice from the cart’s front seat telling me endless stories of everything and nothing at all. There wasn’t a voice of always hungry grade-schoolers begging for this or that. On this particular day, not even […]

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Yesterday I walked into the bathroom and noticed Meadow’s toothbrush standing proudly on it’s suctioned cup feet at the very edge of the counter top.  Next to the toothbrush sat her toothpaste, appearing like two friends who had come together to enjoy a morning stroll (or more likely a sit in a park to watch […]

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They lived on the corner of Third and Delaware streets.  Many would consider them brash, perhaps even downright rude. Certainly, some are put off by them–the family of five that seemed to check their filters at the door and allowed their words to exit directly from their mouths without first passing through the checkpoint of […]

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