Walmart Lessons. . .

Thursday morning Chanelle, Meadow and I made our way through the over-crowded aisles of one of my not-so-favorite places.  It’s not that I have anything against Walmart, really.  It’s good on our budget, provides us with many of our “needs” and even some of our “wants”, and it’s just up the road. (For about two more weeks, anyway.)  It’s just that, well, sometimes the store gives us a front row view of situations that I would rather avoid.  Parents slapping children, children slapping parents, half dressed hairy men, birds in the rafters. . . you get the idea.

I try to hit Walmart in the early morning hours so to avoid some of the, shall we say, entertainment?  I am usually successful and lead my little ones in and out unscathed.  Last Thursday, however, I was not so successful.  I will spare you the details, but will tell you this. . .when I pushed my cart carrying Meadow and a few groceries out the door with Chanelle matching me stride for stride, I wanted to run home, lock the doors, and never go out again.  The thoughts in my head went something like, I want to shelter them from the crazy world.  I want to shield them from mean and insensitive people.  I want to protect them, I must protect them.

(Hello again, irrational Summer.)

I quickly pushed my cart to our car and noticed an older gentleman closing the trunk of the car  parked next to mine.  He glanced up as we approached and he immediately walked toward us. 

Are these good helpers?, he asked me with a smile, while looking Chanelle and Meadow.
I smiled politely and responded, they are great helpers.
He turned his attention to the girls and with wide eyes posed a question, have you girls ever heard a magic trombone?
His gentle eyes and sweet smile put me at ease.  (Please spare me the lecture about evil men behind gentle smiles lurking in parking lots.) Chanelle glanced at me and offered a shy smile before shaking her head no. 
The gentleman smiled and lifted his hands toward his mouth and placed the “magical” (imaginary) trombone mouthpiece to his mouth.  For two minutes he pushed the magical (imaginary) slider of the trombone back and forth while the robust sounds of the instrument escaped his lips.  It took everything in me not to reach for my phone to video tape this gentleman’s odd talent, but I resisted and enjoyed the experience. 

When he finished, he smiled and turned back toward his car.  With a happy heart,  I thanked him for restoring my faith in Walmart. 

But as I watched him drive away I knew those two minutes did so much more.  What I really should have said to that kind gentleman was “thank you for reminding me that there is so much beauty in the world. 

There really is. . . so much beauty.

Chanelle and I talked about that two minutes many times through the day.  We laughed and smiled and named it, “the best part of our day.”  It hit me that day, however little they may seem, beautiful things are worth celebrating. 

More and more I notice Chanelle doing that.  “Look at the sunset, Mommy!”  Mommy!  Look at that flower!  Ohh, Mommy, can we play in the rain?”  Oh, can I take a picture, Mommy?”

Can you take a picture?  Umm. . . YES.

So, that’s what happened this week.  I stood back and watched as my little girl captured beautiful things.

And I watched them live beautifully. . .

And it really is that simple. 

Beauty is everywhere.  When I slow down, I see it.  And Chanelle?  She sees it, too.  What a joy it was to load her card into my computer and see her images.  To get a glimpse of beautiful through her eyes. . .

And my favorite of her weekly captures?

Yep.  She set up the shot herself.  I captured it with my iphone.

Yep.  Beauty is everywhere. . . even at Walmart.

  • Jen Wiles - September 3, 2013 - 1:33 pm

    This is so awesome! You're an amazing and wonderful mother, role-model, teacher, friend, and human being! Your children are blessed to have you and Chad as their parents! I love the "Chanelle K Photography" pics! Keep up the great work Summer!! ReplyCancel

    • Summer - September 3, 2013 - 5:42 pm

      Thank you so much, Jen! I so appreciate your kind words and encouragement. ReplyCancel

  • M - September 3, 2013 - 1:35 pm

    Isn't it amazing how we can lose faith in humanity and then quickly regain it within moments. It's like God sent you that trombone-playing gentleman to say don't worry there is beauty out there that you would miss if you sheltered yourself from all the ugly…after all we wouldn't notice the beauty if it weren't for the ugly….love this post..I've been there too……ReplyCancel

    • Summer - September 3, 2013 - 5:43 pm

      Thank you so much. . . and I agree with you completely, M. . . "we wouldn't notice the beauty if it weren't for the ugly". . .so, so true. ReplyCancel

  • michelle provonsha - September 3, 2013 - 1:38 pm

    You are a talented photographer, writer and mother. This is beautiful! ReplyCancel

    • Summer - September 3, 2013 - 5:44 pm

      Thank you so much, Michelle. I really appreciate that. ReplyCancel

  • Sassytimes - September 3, 2013 - 3:21 pm

    Your Walmart sounds like our grocery store and local target. Just bad…and depressing.
    You are so right though, if you look, mixed in with the sadness of society is so much kindness and good. You just have to open your eyes to it.

    Chanelle's photos are impressive!ReplyCancel

    • Summer - September 3, 2013 - 5:44 pm

      So true. . . the kindness is everywhere. So often, though, the not so kind is highlighted. 🙂 ReplyCancel

  • Katie - September 3, 2013 - 5:29 pm

    i love seeing what captures kids attention. for joey, it's usually the sunset or just after, during the blue hour. for meghan, it's unusual shapes or textures. and i love that chanelle has her own watermark! ; ) keep doing whatever it is that you're doing because you two are raising some wonderful children. ReplyCancel

    • Summer - September 3, 2013 - 5:45 pm

      Thank you so much, Katie. I vow that someday. . . I will meet you in person. 😉 ReplyCancel

  • Anonymous - September 3, 2013 - 5:59 pm

    I truly wish that I had your gift, not only for capturing beautiful things on film, but also for capturing memories so wonderfully documented so that others can reflect and be blessed. You have some tremendous gifts (inside you: kindness, warmth, gentleness, encouragement, thoughtfulness) and some outside of you(the kids) that are growing in grace and knowledge daily. Please don't ever stop loving or sharing. You are a blessing even when you don't realize that you are. Just taking a moment to enjoy the magic trombone not only blessed you but probably gave that gentle man (spacing intentional) a true sense of fulfillment when someone stopped to hear the gift he had to share. I have no doubt your new neighbors and your new community of choice will be HONORED to know you and your family. ReplyCancel

  • Anonymous - September 4, 2013 - 2:39 am

    This is one of my favorite posts, Summer! I'm so glad you are my friend! I'm going to imagine that cute old man with his imaginary trombone the next time I'm frustrated with the world. 😉

    Miss you!

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