Girl Time

It has been a girl kind of week in our house.  While Charlie was off doing his big-boy-Kindergarten- graduate-thing, the girls (the girls. . . I don’t think I’ll ever tire of saying that.) and I enjoyed some extra time together, sans testosterone. 

Chanelle and I closed out the final moments of our “extra” girl time at the Dairy Queen. 

We sat together on a bench as the sun inched lower and lower and watched ball players, couples, and families walk in and out of the treat filled store.  I listened to her as she talked about everything from Charlie to the Cleveland Indians (really) and suddenly she stopped and looked at me and asked, Mama?  Are you going to write about this? 

I have no idea where she came up with this.  The blog is not something I talk about with my kids–certainly, they wouldn’t get it, right?  But in that moment I realized just how observant they are.  I realized that Chanelle knows far more than I ever give her credit for.  I looked at her in that moment and was struck by the depth that lies just below the surface.

You should write about this as soon as we get home, she told me. Without knowing it she was communicating to me. . . let’s not forget this.  Let’s remember. 

Sounds like a good plan to me. 

Chanelle and Charlie are often joined at the hip.  Or, more accurately, Chanelle paces herself about half a stride behind Charlie. . . and he is most often happy to oblige.  Having her all to myself this week was such a treat.  In these moments I see the reality of the young lady she is becoming.

I find myself torn between wanting her to stay little forever and dreaming of girl shopping trips and late night talks about the things that are happening in her life. 

Even after six months it is still surreal that I now have two daughters.  It seems like just the other day my sister and I were crimping each others hair and playing school in our bedrooms.  There are days when I pause and shake my head in an attempt to bring me back to reality. . . I’m really the Mom.

I like to look at them from afar and allow myself to dream.  Who will they be?  How will they be?  What will be their passions? 

Will Meadow follow Chanelle around in their early years much like my sister did with me?  Will Meadow mimic the steps of her big sister or will she find a path all her own?  When I think about it I get excited.

It’s like watching the most fascinating movie ever or reading and soaking in an excellent book that continually offers new and exciting plots.  Once again I’m reminded of the gift it is to watch their lives unfold

What a gift I’ve been given in my girls.  A gift that is bigger than any word could describe.

Even more so what a gift they’ve been given in each other. . .

. . . and they don’t even realize it yet.


It’s a holiday weekend and we are stoked for some extra time with all the members of our family!

Have a wonderful weekend!!

  • Sassytimes - May 25, 2012 - 12:21 pm

    I've been having the 'omg I'm the Mom' thoughts a lot lately. Surreal.

    I can't wait for you to experience Chanelle and Meadow being best friends. It's the gift that keeps on giving…to everyone around them too. So sweet!ReplyCancel

  • Wrestling Kitties - May 25, 2012 - 1:17 pm

    Oh my gosh, this post got me very teary.

    From the part where your daughter asked you to write this down (um, how sweet!) to seeing your two daughters together. Seriously, the sweetest post and your girls look like the sweetest. Those pictures of them together melt my heart!

    Every night I rock Henry to sleep. Books say I should put him to sleep drowsy but awake, but it is in this time where I rock him to sleep that I just stare down at him and am absolutely amazed by the fact that he is my son and I am his mother. I cherish those moments with all my heart!

    I can't believe how much one little person can change your life! LOVE IT.

    Have a wonderful weekend with your beautiful family!!ReplyCancel

  • Anonymous - May 25, 2012 - 2:48 pm

    um…i loved that first b/w photo of meadow. that is amazing. and, this post made me realize how much Chanelle looks like her mama! ; )

    i can't wait to see them grow as sisters.ReplyCancel

  • Anonymous - May 25, 2012 - 2:48 pm

    whoops – that was me, MissyReplyCancel

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