(Off) The Sidelines

Once there was this girl who sat on the sidelines.  She stood and watched as, one by one, several of her friends registered their blog names and dove into a world that this girl thought could never include her.  For years she lurked and drank in every morsel put out by those who were bolder, braver, and stronger.  As she watched from the sidelines she often thought to herself. . . I wish I could. . . I wish I would. . . I want to, but. . . I’m afraid.  And then the day came when she made a decision.  That girl?  She decided that it’s okay to do it afraid. . . so she did.

Friends, this community never ceases to amaze me. 

Saturday afternoon I walked out to get the mail (okay, it may have been closer to a run because even though there is rarely anything exciting in the mailbox, the anticipation still pushes me to near giddiness.)  When I pulled the mailbox open I was surprised to find a large envelope with the return address indicating that it was from my blogger friend Sassytimes. While I’d like to say that I moseyed my way back into the house and placed the envelope on the table and got to it when I had a moment. . . I can’t.  Intrigued, I tore into the envelope and had it’s contents out before I reached the door to go back into the house.

Inside I found the softest little “halo” you ever could feel and the most delicate little wings you ever could see.  Attached was a simple note. . . for your little angel.

This community is something else.  Something special.  Something that, I know, is hard to understand from the outside.  I’ve never met Sassytimes, or many bloggers personally (though that will soon change), but I have been changed by the special community I have found here.  I still consider myself  a “newbie”, but if you’ve been here for any length of time you probably have found that this is a great place to be.  It goes so far beyond posting about whatever we decide to post about on a certain day.  In a way, this community does life together.  There are emails and face to face meetings.  There are mailings and texts. There is advice requested and support offered.  Ultimately, there are friendships formed that close the gap of miles and miles with one click of a button. 

I think back to that girl who was content to sit on the sidelines for years before stepping out to face her fears and now wonder. . . what was she so afraid of?  And while for me it was blogging, we all have those things that keep us paralyzed with fear, don’t we?  Those inner voices that say that’s for them not for me.  Sometimes the whisper is so soft we don’t hear it or so loud everything else is drowned out. . . the voice that says you can’t. 

I guess what I’m trying to say is that I am so glad I stopped listening to those voices.  That I entered this community and expanded my world in ways I never knew possible.  It has been so worth it.

And Sassytimes?  Thank you for being so thoughtful and for thinking of our “little angel”. 

This is your life. You are responsible for it. You will not live forever. Don’t wait.”
-Natalie Goldberg

  • CharisFaith - June 12, 2012 - 11:18 am

    So glad you joined in and you are here!!!!ReplyCancel

  • Sassytimes - June 12, 2012 - 11:29 am

    So happy you stepped off the sidelines. 😉

    It took everything I had to not text you and let you know I was sending those. Glad the surprise element was worth it!ReplyCancel

  • Lissa Forbes - June 12, 2012 - 5:20 pm

    Summer, as I've said many times, you simply have a gift … a way of stringing words together to help your readers live your experiences. You are able to spin the positive in every post. How simply blessed you are to receive these beautiful wings and sweet little halo for your angel. The picture is amazing … marvelous … brought a smile and a tear of happiness for you. So happy you sidestepped the sidelines. ~lafReplyCancel

  • Anonymous - June 12, 2012 - 6:36 pm

    What a beautiful picture and an inspirational post. Keep doing what you do, I know I certainly enjoy reading!

    Cheryl N.ReplyCancel

  • Joni - June 13, 2012 - 1:20 am

    I still love reading your posts and watching your little ones grow up. You have really blossomed over the years. It is lovely to see you exploring the wonderful gift that you have.ReplyCancel

  • Summer - June 13, 2012 - 2:05 am

    Thank you so much, Ladies.

    I appreciate each one of you. . . very, very much.ReplyCancel

  • Wrestling Kitties - June 13, 2012 - 12:39 pm

    Oh how I love this post because it is so true, there is a genuineness and caring between so many of the bloggers and true friendships have formed from it.

    (What a great gift and that picture is PERFECTION.)ReplyCancel

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