Running Chatter

I feel like my insides are hyperventilating.” 

The words sound near crazy, I know, but they were mine.  In the middle of a napless day for Meadow and at the end of an extremely hectic week I picked up the phone and reached out to Katy who has been my sidekick most of life.  Despite the craziness of my words, Katy wasn’t phased. . . Oh, I completely understand that feeling, she said without a moments hesitation, I’ve been there.

What is it about hearing someone say ‘hey, don’t sweat it. . . I’ve felt that way, too’, that makes everything feel better?  I think it was just knowing that I wasn’t alone.  Knowing that someone has been there.  Hearing, in one way or another that someone “gets me” immediately calmed my insides. 

With that being said and so to not tip the scales of my sanity over into actual hyperventilation tonight, we’re keeping it simple. . .  

Running Chatter it is. . .


1.  Rain

Ohio has been dry.  Very, very dry.  The grass is turning brown, flowers and trees are wilting, and creeks are drying up.  The other day Chad caught me taking a picture outside and he instructed. . .  go to a green spot.  We were contemplating a rain dance when, just in time, drops began to fall from the sky.

Of course that means only one thing. . .

Time to play in the rain.  Bikes and scooters were immediately pulled out from the garage and away little ones scattered to experiences the fullness of the rainy evening.  Even Meadow joined in. . .

Apparently, though, Chanelle thought this was cruel and unusual punishment for a baby and she quickly came to the rescue. 

I think Meadow appreciated the gesture.


2.  Rained Out

The night of the rain was also the night of Charlie and Chanelle’s last track meet.  We were 5 minutes away from the track when we got the call that the meet was canceled.  We called my in-laws to let them know and the suggestion was made. . . how about ice cream?

Meadow was in.  As were the rest of us.  We spent the evening in a quiet little cafe where ice cream was consumed, checkers played on a chess board and time slipped by unnoticed. 

I think these are the hallmark moments of summer.  The moments that we will all look back and say remember the night that track meet was canceled and we spent the evening in a cafe just talking, laughing, sharing stories, and playing chess-checkers? 

. . . Wasn’t that fun? 

It sure was.


3.  Game On

The track meet was rescheduled for later in the week. . .

Track season is officially over.  More hardware was brought home. . .

I’m proud of them.  So proud.


4.  VBS

Charlie and Chanelle participated in Bible School this week.  They were so enthusiastic about it and loved every second of it.  Today was the last day and I can’t imagine a better send off than the one they got. . .

A balloon launch!  Seriously, I wish I could see one of these on a weekly basis.  It is impossible to watch balloons disappear into a bright blue sky and not smile.


5.  Books!

Charlie, Chanelle and I introduced Meadow to the library for the very first time. Seven months old and she’d yet to been to the library.  Shameful, I know.  She took to it quite well.

In fact, you’d think she owned the place. 

Once we got home girlfriend couldn’t wait to dive in. 

I think it only took her about an hour to get through all the books. . . 27 to be exact.


6.  Ice Cream

The rules change a bit during the summertime.  For example, bedtime gets pushed back a little bit, sometimes little bodies get put to beds without baths, we find more time to be lazy, and shoes are optional.  One of my favorite rules changes, though, is the rule about ice cream.  During the summer, we find far more excuses to need ice cream.  Like the other day when we drove by a sign that displayed an ice cream cone.

Seemed like reason enough for me.


7.  Sometimes, I don’t ask

Enough said.


8.  Curious Meadow

We have found that our littlest misses nothing.  She prefers to have her eye, hands, attention wherever the action is.  She’s nearly seven months, but she acts like she’s at least eight and a half months old, for sure.

I think she’s going to be a talker.  Just today we had a five minute conversation.  Back and forth we went–she spoke, then I followed.  On and on it went.  Of course it was all in grunts.

She continues to be a Mama’s girl.  As much as her preference for me exhausts me on some days. . .

. . . I wouldn’t change it for anything.


9.  Three

One. . .

Two. . .

Three. . .

There is something about three that just feels right. . .

. . . more on this later.


While it seems slightly wrong to end a list on nine and not ten, I’m going to do it anyway.  Nine is a nice number, too.

Here’s to a happy weekend to each one of you!!

Chatter Out. . .

  • Sassytimes - June 15, 2012 - 11:28 am

    This post made me believe, even more, that we'd be great neighbors. Ice cream just because? Yep, that's us. 😉

    Meadow's cheeks kill me. Sorry she's anti-nap lately…I feel ya. We are sleep training, per Drs orders…although it seems to be slowly working, it's painful. I've been escaping for 30 minutes each night to regain my sanity. 😉ReplyCancel

  • Lisa@Pocketfuls - June 15, 2012 - 12:50 pm

    Your stories and photos from the week were very touching — I loved seeing Chanelle bring an umbrella for Meadow, and the balloons drifting off into the bright blue sky were breathtaking! So many of the simple activities you all enjoyed this week (playing chess-checkers with grandparents, ice cream, books from the library, watching kids climb randomly up a shed wall for no apparent reason 😉 ) epitomize the real joys of summer that fill my heart with warmth, too! Lovely post. Keep breathing…ReplyCancel

  • Adopted Aunt - June 15, 2012 - 8:55 pm

    Hey anytime is ice cream time! The kids look great! Though I miss them! Books are great glad Meadow agrees. And yes I know that feeling well! Take care.ReplyCancel

  • lisa - June 17, 2012 - 2:38 am

    what a great top 9!! Love all the things you wrote about…especially the ice cream and 3 being a great number! I wholeheartedly agree!! 🙂

    loving your photos…just fab!ReplyCancel

  • Wrestling Kitties - June 21, 2012 - 2:15 am

    Love this!!

    Summer so far looks very fun at your house 🙂

    And Meadow….I could eat those cheeks and that chin up!! She is just too cute.

    That second to last picture looks just like the face Henry makes and it is my absolute favorite face he makes! We call it his muppet face because with his big cheeks, big eyes and the flat mouth he looks just like one 🙂 And Meadow is one adorable little muppet in that picture!!ReplyCancel

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