Running Chatter

We are heading out of town for a couple of days later today.  We are excited to have some time to visit with my sister and take our first ever trip to Ikea.  (Are we the only people who have never been to what I hear is the most awesome store?)  I am also saying prayers and crossing fingers, toes, and even eyes that the rain holds off for a shoot with a family that I’m so excited to meet.  What I have come to love most about this community and social media in general, is the way it has expanded our world.  Meeting new people that I first “met” in this space is so much fun.  I’m quite pumped to meet up with my friend over at SassyTimes during this trip, as well.  Yet another ‘blog friend’ that became a ‘real friend’.  I just think that’s awesome.

There is still packing, cleaning, and planning to do, but I thought it was time for a quick Running Chatter. . .


1.  IKEA
I mentioned we are headed to Ikea.  Word on the street is “you will be over-whelmed”.  Knowing myself like I do–I suspect I might shut down within the first few minutes.  I am open to any advice one might have for surviving this store. 

Things are moving along quickly here. . .

. . . so we are idea searching. 

Has anyone written a book?  How to Survive Ikea? 


2.  Daddy’s Home
Most evening’s when Chad gets home we are outside playing in the yard.  One of the things I hope to always remember is the scene that plays out when Meadow sees Chad’s car come down the road.  It goes something like this. 

She pauses for a about half a second and then you hear a high pitched squeal and then a whispered tone that says dadadadadadadadadadadadad, as she runs toward the car.

Chad dutifully waits at the end of the driveway until Meadow greets him at the drivers side door. . .

And Chad picks her up so Meadow can “help” him back the car into the garage. . .

After working a 12-plus hour day in the hot sun Chad doesn’t have to do this. . . but he does. 

So simple, but still magical.


3.  Three
I remember how nervous a felt when we first learned that we would become a family of 5.  I was filled with anxiety at the unknown.  In the midst of my fear, however, I had this vision of three kids surrounding me.  Something about ‘three’ just felt right.  I envisioned myself looking down and seeing one child to my right, one to my left and another standing in front of me.  In that moment, it felt okay.  In that moment I thought. . . three is perfect.

More and more I’m seeing the three of them together and it just feels ‘right’.  Like this is just how it’s supposed to be. 

And I laugh at myself. . . what was I so concerned about?

Three is good.


4.  Ornery

Miss Meadow seems to be developing quite the personality.  Chad and I have noticed she has quite the ornery side–much like her brother.

Just yesterday Chanelle was practicing piano and I told Meadow she could watch, but not play. 

Meadow felt she needed to play so she was moved away from the piano.

She played innocent until I turned my back.  That’s when she made her move.

This one?  Yep, she’s going to keep up on our toes.


5.  Need more proof?
. . . . of Meadow’s, ummm, personality?

One afternoon Chad’s Dad stopped by.  We were sitting on the porch when Meadow woke from her nap.  I took her from her crib and brought her out where she snuggled in comfortably with my FIL.

I captured the sweet moment.

Suddenly, my FIL sat up straight.  Apparently, unbeknownst to any of us, Meadow had removed her diaper during her nap. 

Whoops.  He’s a trooper, though.  Chad’s Dad.  He took it in stride.  He’s a good one.


6.  Evening Light

Have you noticed it lately?  I’m not sure if it’s the warm temperatures or just the time of year.  The evening light? 



7.  Bikes

Since Chanelle learned to ride her bike a few weeks ago, bike riding has been all the rage.

They zoom up and down hills.  They rock those pedals and those breaks and wear those helmets proudly. 

Until they get tired and this happens. . .

Yep.  We get frustrated at the time.  We say things like, we’re never doing this again.  But later I see it.  The story is better because it didn’t go perfectly. 

So goes family life, right?  Imperfectly, perfect.



Have a wonderful weekend!

Chatter, Out.

  • Pam - July 20, 2013 - 12:35 pm

    Summer, how do you choose which of the spectacular photographs to frame?!
    Thanks for sharing them ~ PamReplyCancel

    • Summer - July 22, 2013 - 11:10 am

      Pam, Thank you for such kind words.

      As far as which photos to print–Chad cuts me off at a certain point. 😉 ReplyCancel

  • Karen, Brian and Lucy - July 20, 2013 - 7:22 pm

    Ikea: don't go on the weekend. If you go on the weekend, go on a Sunday night…The crowds there are horrible and it is best to go during an off time. Make sure the kids are fed and have lots of snacks, although they do have a great food area, so you could also plan to eat there. Give yourself a few hours, as that is how long it will take! Have fun…it is a great store!!! Love your blog and your photography just keeps getting better and better. Thanks for sharing. From Cincinnati, KarenReplyCancel

    • Summer - July 22, 2013 - 11:12 am


      Just as we were pulling into Ikea at 3 p.m. on Saturday afternoon your comment dinged into my phone. You are right–we should not have gone on a Saturday afternoon. Duly noted for next time. 🙂 Thank you for your kind words and for stopping by the blog!ReplyCancel

    • Karen, Brian and Lucy - July 22, 2013 - 7:55 pm

      So sweet of you to stop by my blog. Thank you for your kind words. I have to admit a bit of embarrassment that a photographer of your caliber was looking at my little point and shoot pictures! I will say, however, that photographers like yourself have inspired me and I am in the market for a new (read: good DSLR) camera. If you ever want to share any advice on picking a camera for a novice like myself, I am all ears. ( Hope you had/are having a great vacay!

  • Sassytimes - July 22, 2013 - 12:39 pm

    If I would have read this prior to now, I would have offered to entertain the kiddos while you and Chad visited Ikea! Sorry you were overwhelmed.

    I often think the same regarding your photos…how do you decide which to blow up and hang on your walls? Mine would be covered every inch in your amazing work (if it were my children. Ha.)

    Hope you all made it home safely!ReplyCancel

  • Wrestling Kitties - July 23, 2013 - 1:11 pm

    1. Ikea…like I said, I have never been either and would also be totally overwhelmed! So much stuff. So many people.

    2. Awwwwww, that is awesome and something the kids will remember. I do that with Henry when I get home from work if he and Terry are outside. It is more because he is obsessed with cars and being in one, but I rather enjoy it too!!

    3. Perfect!

    4. HA! Oh my goodness, if Henry and Meadow were together SO much orneriness would ensue!! And could you imagine if Vincent was there too! HA! Henry feels he NEEDS to touch everything and get into everything. Stubborn and strong-willed….got to love it!

    5. HAHAHAHAHA! Hilarious. (sweet pictures too)

    6. It is fantastic 🙂

    7. Love the bike riding!! And what a great path for them to ride! Those pictures are awesome  We are wondering when a good time to get Henry a bike is. Feel he would love one. (I laughed at the “we are never doing this again” comment! Hahahaha)

    Hope you had a fun weekend!!

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