
I remember walking through campus during our senior year of college.  We hadn’t been dating very long but we knew–we knew this thing between us would be forever.

I’m not sure who posed the question.  Maybe it was him?  It could have been me.  Either way, it doesn’t matter.

Do you want to have kids? One of us asked.
No, we both agreed.

Our life would be focused on careers.  Travels.  Big dreams and big lives.  Ministry to youth was our dream back then–others kids, not our own.

We couldn’t know what we didn’t know.

Since we weren’t going to have kids, I never thought about what kind of father he’d be.  Why would it have crossed my mind?  It never did.

Years later, I know.  Now I know.  This man I married?  He’s the best kind of man there is.

Don’t take my word for it, though.  Chad, this year, they wanted to say it.  They insisted on being a part of your birthday blog.  This year the blog is from “us”. . .


                There are so many things
I love about you I can’t think of all of them. 
Some of my favorite things about you are that you play with us and you
wrestle with us.  I love when you play
outside with us and help us with stuff.  I
like watching football with you and you make the best popcorn ever.  I like going plowing with you.  And I like that you help make things easier
for me.  I love you, daddy because you are
funny and nice. Thank you for being the best daddy ever.  I LOVE YOU.  

And from Chanelle. . . 


Daddy, thank you for getting in front of Mommy’s pictures when she isn’t sure
what picture to take and making them funny. 
Thank you for playing with Taza and fighting with her.  Thank you for taking us to the creek and throwing
 a HUMONGOUS rock to splash us.  Thank you for making chocolate chips, whip
cream, and chocolate syrup for me (even though Mommy doesn’t want you
to.).  Thank you for making everything so
fun.  Well, maybe not everything, but a
lot of things fun.  I love you, Daddy. 

And, well, I wanted to ask Meadow to contribute, but you know. . . 

. . . secrets aren’t her strong suit.   But if I would ask her I’m sure she would say something like this. . . Daddy. Is. Awesome.

In all reality, Chad, there just aren’t enough words in the English language to adequately express how thankful I am for your life.  How thankful I am to have married someone who is my best friend and someone who believes in me more than I believe in myself.  Chad, I still remember the way we used to dream about the life we would live.  The house in the mountains and the time we would invest in our careers and personal goals.  I remember the two dogs we planned to have and the way we were going to change the world–one teenager at a time.

We had big dreams.  Solid goals.

I realize now that the reality was far better than the dream.

I could never have dreamed a life as beautiful as the one I’ve found with you. 

Chad,  thank you for all you give to us.  Thank you for teaching me that to give is better than to receive.  Thank you for constantly showing me that life is to be lived, not feared.  Thank you for standing before me, walking beside me, and for falling back when needed.  Thank you for believing in me even when I didn’t believe in myself.  Thank you for making this beautiful life with me. . .

Chad, you make me better.  I am better because of who you are and who you have been in my life.

 And Chad?  I want you to know that not a day goes by when I don’t recognize the gift I have in you.  I am so thankful that I get to walk through life with you. . .

We celebrate you today. . .

We celebrate you every day. . .

Thank you for giving us memories that will last a lifetime. . . 

Happy Birthday.
We love you. . .


  • Anonymous - March 10, 2015 - 2:36 pm

    the Chad bday posts always get me in a heap of tears!! 1). because your words are so true and beautiful and 2). because i'm always SO BEYOND happy that you are together. you're my favorites. xo. Happy Birthday, Chad. all of what they said is true, and more. 🙂
    Love, Miss ReplyCancel

    • Summer Kellogg - March 12, 2015 - 12:48 pm

      Oh Miss, you know I love you and your support of us and the way you have been with us through it ALL. Thank you my friend!ReplyCancel

    • Summer Kellogg - March 12, 2015 - 12:48 pm

      Oh Miss, you know I love you and your support of us and the way you have been with us through it ALL. Thank you my friend!ReplyCancel

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