It All Began So Innocently. . .

The sun was shining.  That’s it.  I place all the blame on the sunshine.  It had been several days since the warmth of the sun’s rays had flooded our window’s and I was knee deep in the post-holiday-back-to-school-blues.  But on this particular morning I looked at the kitchen floor and saw it. . . I saw the long shadows cast by the sun emerging out of the clouds.  I saw the outline of our kitchen chairs reflected on the hardwood and when Meadow raised her hands in the air, the blank wall mimicked her enthusiasm. 

The sun was up and so were my spirits! 

As if I was given a mega dose of caffeine (as if caffeine would even effect me), the girls and I danced around the kitchen and I somehow felt alive again.  My first thought was let’s do something fun.  The conversation in my head when something like this. . . she’s one now, I’m sure it will be fine.  I’m sure she will understand what to do with finger paints as long as we show her.  It might get a bit messy, but we don’t have a showing and I’m sure it won’t be that bad.  It all sounded perfect in my head.  I dragged out the paper, crayons, markers and yes, the paints.  This would be fun. 

We began by showing her the proper way to finger paint.  It took about 3 seconds to see that I had over-estimated Meadow’s. . . umm, maturity? 

She decided that eating it was way more fun than painting with it.  (Don’t worry, it was non-toxic).  Chanelle and I laughed and took a few pictures and just as I was getting ready to pick Meadow up and take her to the bathtub Chanelle voice rang out, Mama, can I paint Meadow?  At first I laughed thinking she was joking and (since I’m a responsible Mother) said no.  This is where the sunshine came in.  I believe I was delirious with excitement from finally seeing the suns rays that I temporarily lost my mind. . .

Sure, go ahead.  You can paint Meadow.

Chanelle took her work very seriously and Meadow didn’t seem to mind a bit.

In fact, Meadow was quite pleased with it.

I can’t tell you when I have laughed that hard.  As I stood back and watched my girls do their thing all I could think to myself was. . . I will never, ever, ever forget this moment. 

And I’ll tell you something. . . I won’t.  Paint was flying, laughter was rolling,  and joy filled the kitchen.  Through my laughter I said over and over to Chanelle. . . this is so funny, this is so funny, oh my goodness, this is so funny. 

After all was said and done and paint was wiped from fingers, faces,
ears and, well, everywhere else, I realized how precious these moments
are.  You can’t plan for them.  You can’t organize them.  And certainly,
you can’t predict them. These are the moments that just happen when I
am willing to be present (and a bit flexible) in the moment and when I’m
willing to let go and let my kids lead the way. 


For the record:  The purpose of this post was simply to make you laugh, smile, or at least smirk a little bit.  If you did not do at least one of these. . . I advise you to see a physician. 

Have a happy day!

  • woopig - January 8, 2013 - 1:42 pm

    Like I always told the kids (even now when they're 19 and 13), as long as soap and water/Spray and Wash can get out the mess, go for it! These are great pics! Did you join in on creating the Masterpiece of Meadow? I hope so! ; )


  • Sassytimes - January 8, 2013 - 2:31 pm

    This is so great! I'm certain you won 'cool mom' points in Chanelle's eyes for this one! It looks like so much fun. I love how Meadow is just sitting there, letting C go to town with paint on her. Such great memories.ReplyCancel

    • Summer - January 9, 2013 - 1:12 am

      Cool Mom points is exactly what I was going for. I'm sure I'm going to need a reserve. 🙂 ReplyCancel

  • Shannon Hoffman - January 8, 2013 - 3:37 pm

    Summer – I read many of your posts and this one was one of my favorites! Such an amazing moment to share with your girls!! It gave a a great laugh and an "oh no…" chuckle. You are definitely a cool mom!!ReplyCancel

    • Summer - January 9, 2013 - 1:15 am

      Thank you, Shannon, for reading and for enjoying this moment with me. It really was a fabulous way to spend the morning. 🙂

      All the best to you as you await your little one! Such an exciting time!ReplyCancel

  • Lisa@Pocketfuls - January 8, 2013 - 6:02 pm

    I really did laugh out loud when I saw these photos of your girls — what fun! Love the happy face on Meadow's back. 🙂 ReplyCancel

    • Summer - January 9, 2013 - 1:16 am

      Chanelle was very proud of that happy face on M's back. She will be glad to know she wasn't the only one. 😉 Thank you, Lisa!ReplyCancel

  • Anonymous - January 8, 2013 - 8:17 pm

    I love the shot where you are observing your girls from a distance, and Chanelle's head is cocked, carefully determining how to allow her "canvas" to evolve…

    Keep it coming, creative mama!

    • Summer - January 9, 2013 - 1:17 am

      Kat, that is my favorite shot, as well. I WILL keep them coming! 🙂 ReplyCancel

  • Lissa Forbes - January 8, 2013 - 9:40 pm

    Summer, you win "cool mom" points in my eyes! You and your girls will cherish these photos and memories for years to come … and after you've been able to explain to Meadow that she is a canvas …a canvas upon which life imprints itself!! I want a copy of the book when you publish it. ;-> or maybe I could help you publish it!ReplyCancel

    • Summer - January 9, 2013 - 1:17 am

      Lissa. . . If you help me publish it–I'm IN! 😉 ReplyCancel

  • Anonymous - January 8, 2013 - 10:20 pm

    so love this!!! excellent my dear friend excellent….love the moment you captured but i love more the moments you have in your heart and the moments in the hearts of your girls.ReplyCancel

  • Anonymous - January 9, 2013 - 11:31 am

    THANK YOU for posting this! I LOVE IT! I needed the laugh………and I needed a reminder.
    And the pictures are priceless! =)

  • Summer - January 9, 2013 - 5:30 pm

    I'm so glad you enjoyed it, Karina! Thank you!ReplyCancel

  • Marcie - January 10, 2013 - 12:43 am

    So fun! What a great way to shake the back to school blues. One day with the girls, after letting them do a few crazy things, no doubt messy and way out of character for me, Kendyl looks at me so seriously and says "Momma, you are being really fun today." 🙂 Love the pictures!ReplyCancel

    • Summer - January 11, 2013 - 3:00 am

      Ah. . . out of the mouths of babes. Funny how they can be such great mirrors to us. I wonder what it would look like if we were fun every day?

      🙂 ReplyCancel

  • 65 Roses for Marcia - January 10, 2013 - 6:04 am

    Cute artist, cute baby canvas, cool mom! So funny!ReplyCancel

    • Summer - January 11, 2013 - 3:00 am

      Thank you, Marcia! I hope you smiled! 🙂 ReplyCancel

  • Evie - January 10, 2013 - 4:15 pm

    As you have proved here with these fun-filled photos, often the best memories are spontaneous and messy.ReplyCancel

  • Jamie - January 12, 2013 - 1:10 am

    I LOVE this idea of finger paint!! So fun and cute!! xoxoReplyCancel

  • Kendra George - January 15, 2013 - 3:48 am

    LOVE THESE PICS!! They did make me laugh!! 🙂 My kids finger painted today, both in their diaper or underwear. If I would have been thinking I would have taken a picture of the back of Stanley, 2 hand prints on his underwear and paint on the small of his back. My boy loves to paint, then we headed to the bathtub and colored in the bathtub…amazing how an hour goes so fast when you are having fun instead of sitting around thinking oh! I should play with the kids and then don't because I'm doing "something that needs to be done"! (I need to remember that!) Thanks for sharing your pictures and your love with us, you rock!!

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