Making The Bed

I was in a bit of a mood on Tuesday.  I recall going to bed Monday evening and thinking to myself. . . we’re going to have a good day tomorrow.  Well, best laid plans. . .

Do you ever wake up in the morning and feel like someone put ankle weights on your eyelids?  That’s how a felt when I woke up.  Apparently, lack of sleep had caught up with me.  I skipped my morning run (never a good idea) and unsuccessfully tried to work the kink out of my neck.  Meadow woke up in a mood and followed me around with unrelenting cries all morning long.

I know, cue the sad violin music.

As the morning went on my mood didn’t improve.  My patience was thin and any 5-year old thing Chanelle did was corrected.  How do you ask, Chanelle?  I didn’t hear a please.  Umm, can I get a thank you.  Did you just talk to me like that?  Yeah, I was annoying myself. 

At lunch Chanelle and I were talking and she said. . . I think you’re tired.  Maybe you should take a nap. Yep, let’s call that a proud Mama moment. 

I put Meadow down for a nap and Chanelle and I sat down to play a couple of board games.  It was quiet play, for the most part.  I’m sure she was walking on egg shells and I was just trying to regroup.  (However, I did hear a lot of pleases and thank you’s.)  The atmosphere was basically calm and reserved.

I had a few things I needed to get done so I asked Chanelle if she wanted to help.  Do you want to help me make Mommy and Daddy’s bed?  (I know how to entertain a 5-year old.)  She enthusiastically agreed (apparently my tantrums earlier in the day had an effect) and we got to work. 

It was slow at first. . .

But little by little the mood lightened. . .

Until all of Chanelle’s 5-Year old self exploded in all it’s fullness. . .

Suddenly, the mood lifted and the joy of her laughter cleared the room of the previous hours drama.  Over and over she jumped high and threw up the sheet and bounced on the bed until sweat formed on her brow and she had to breathe deep to catch her breath.

Again and again she jumped high before running to me and asking, can I see the picture

I couldn’t imagine that anything could make the afternoon better, but Chanelle could.  I wish Meadow was awake, she told me. 

Within in moments, my girl got her wish. . .

She instructed Meadow to sit tight. . .

. . . and be careful.

I’m not sure that it gets much better than this.

Moral of the story?  Next time you find yourself in a funk I suggest you change your sheets. 

But don’t forget the 5-Year old.  It won’t be the same without her.

Happy Thursday!

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