A Blank Page

It’s a New Year.  Once again, like clockwork, it has come.  (I suppose it is clockwork, right?)

A blank page.  A new beginning.  Time to think, dream, plan.

I know I’ve said it in years past, but I’ll say it again. . . I’m not a “resolution” kind of gal.  There will be no “lose 15 lbs” or “climb Mt. Everest” assertions coming from me.  In fact, for weeks months I’ve said to Chad, we should give up Diet Mt. Dew.  But yesterday?  I bought some at the grocery store.

Perhaps I should be a bit more resolute in my statements?

Either way, I really love the looking back/looking forward that a New Year brings and that is exactly what I’ve been doing.

2014 was a wonderful year.  (Of course it was, we got puppy.)  Much of the year was spent trying very hard to balance SummerK Photography with real life.  I feel so blessed to be doing what I love and capturing moments for people.  Sometimes, I have to pinch myself to believe that I’m really taking pictures for a living.  (Really?!)  It was a wonderful year at SummerK, (you can check it out here) and yet looking forward I don’t want to miss out on real life and the three kids that are growing so very fast in front of me.

So what am I saying?  Well, I guess I’m saying that Running Chatter matters to me.  It matters a lot.  It’s the place I come to regroup.  The place where I am able to put first things first.  The place where I find meaning in the mundane.  The space where I found meaning in heartache and joy in the everyday.

For that reason, I hope to be here a little more this year.  To stop in and record our story and my musing about life.  Because someday soon, I know the house will be empty and these years will be something that once was.  I don’t want to forget. . .

The final days of Christmas break are upon us and I find myself wishing for another week or two (and of course, counting down to summer days.)

In the meantime we’ve enjoyed some unseasonably warm days. . .

We spent several days at my Dads over Christmas which meant cousin time, lots of lots of play time, and sweet memories made. . .

And Meadow modeling all her new dresses. . .

As long as we gave her chocolate. . .

We took Taza to my Dad’s as well.  She did wonderfully once we were there.  The drive there and back, however, produced puppy puke on my seat.  So, we stopped on the drive home to give her (and us) some much needed air.

Fresh air does amazing things for all of us. . .

Speaking of Taza. . .

I can’t overstate how much we love her. . .

Like I said, it’s been a good year filled with so many good moments.  Perfect?  Of course not, but you will hear no complaints from me.  I’m thankful for our little life and the moments that are nothing spectacular to anyone but us. . .

And to those of you who continue to stop in here from time to time, Thank you.  My world has expanded because of you.

Wishing you and yours a most wonderful New Year. . .


I’m also blogging over at SummerK Photography today about a cool little book created for our kids. . .

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