Spring Things

We are currently potty training Meadow.  Sure, I’ve talked about Meadow and the potty before–I mean, really, these are big events in our home.  It was hit and miss at first.  We celebrated (the rare times) she went on the potty, but for the most part, we just didn’t push it.  I’m sure there are deep seeded psychological explanations as to why I didn’t feel pressed to do it–she’s our last ‘baby’? She won’t ‘need’ me as much?  A big fat bloody slice of the all important apron string? 

Sure it could have been any of those.  I think the answer was simpler though.  Put bluntly, I was feeling lazy.  Potty training is hard and I was certain I didn’t have it in me.  It was just easier to change diapers.

I think I must have had a really great night of sleep on April 7th because when I woke up on the 8th the decision was made–we are done with diapers. 

I made a pretty little chart, purchased tiny puppy and kitty stickers, and we were on our way. 

We bribed, begged, we pleaded and yes, I even shed a few tears over the exhausting process.  Why?  Because on day four she didn’t have the going-in-the-potty-thing down. Yep, I did that, I stood in the driveway, after Meadow’s 17th accident in one morning, and looked at Chad with tears in my eyes and told him in my most pathetic voice. . . I don’t think I will survive this.

Perspective much, Summer?

However, we were persistent (read: stubborn ) and did not to give up. We refused to put a diaper on her (except at night) and celebrated her successes with the enthusiasm of the home team making the winning shot in the final second of the game.  We did a lot of laundry, we sanitized our floors, we used stickers, chocolate, stuffed animals, and more to convince her the the potty was a superb place to hang out.  And you know what?  She’s finally getting it. 

She’s finally getting the hang of it.

Last night I said to Chad, I can’t believe it.  I can’t believe we are nearing the end of diapers. 
I know,
he responded.
It’s kind of sad, I mused.
You’re crazy, he responded. 
(Hello Mama’s out there?  Can I get some understanding?)

Do I have a point to this story?  Why yes, I do.  (Well, aside from shamelessly recording our stories in a public way.)  My point is that we seem to have turned a corner (we’re not there yet) with potty training and it feels good.

Yep.  It feels good. 

Not only have we turned the corner with potty training, but we’ve also turned a corner and walked into Spring. 

We’ve been doing a lot of Spring things. . .

Baseball games in the front yard turn to games of tag that send sounds of laughter through the air. . .

The lot we put our home on, is in the process of becoming a beautifully landscaped property.

Yard work is a family affair. . .

Truck bed picnics. . .

More creek fun. . .

And when Daddy arrives the excitement heightens. . .

Spring things are fun.  Spring gives us room to play, air to breathe, and lot of fun to be had. . .

Bubbles. . .

Play. . .

Creatures. . .

Oh, and wind.  Spring brings lots and lots of wind. . .

And that is it.  Potty training is happening, and it is good.
Spring is happening, and it is really good.

And to you?  I wish you a really, really good weekend.

Happy Friday!

  • Katie - April 25, 2014 - 12:51 pm

    i remember potty training joey. he was actually a LOT easier than meghan to train (she can be VERY pig-headed when she wants to be) and at one point in his training he turned the tables on me. we had just gotten through grocery shopping and i was dying to use the bathroom. he stood there watching me in the bathroom doorway, and in his 18-month old wisdom, told me very solemnly, "be sure to AIM, MomMom! you have to AIM!!" made me laugh so hard i nearly fell off the seat. ; )ReplyCancel

  • Hummel Family - April 29, 2014 - 3:57 am

    Miss C is holding a snake!?!?!? And no words of explanation to go with it?!?!? One.Brave.Girl!

    Congrats to Meadow on turning the corner in potty training! Good job Mama for sticking with it. Its.Hard.Work!!

    How's Baseball going for your lil man? Enjoying the games?

    Miss you! Let's go walk on the trail sometime soon, k?


  • Wrestling Kitties - May 14, 2014 - 6:14 pm

    Love spring!!

    Way to go Meadow and potty training!!!

    We are down to diapers at night with Henry and if we go out somewhere for an extended period of time. There have been a few times we have been in the car and I get "MOMMY, I GOT TO PEE!!!" Oh course I tell him to go in his pull-up and he screams until he can't hold it anymore! But we are close. 🙂 Of course, I feel like there is an aim issue we are working out. He just pees and lets it go where ever he feels! Or turns around mid stream to do something. BOYS!!ReplyCancel

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