“My Lady”

That was my name for five whole days. . . “My Lady“. 

What can I get you, My Lady?
Are you okay, My Lady?
Can I help you, my Lady?
Hello, my Lady.
Thank you, My Lady.
Let me help you, my Lady.
This way, My Lady.

There was something so endearing about it.  So, personal and sweet.  I think it was on the third day when I told Chad that I wanted to start calling Chanelle and Meadow, My Lady. 

(I have yet to refer to either of my girls as “My Lady”, but maybe if I write it down here, I will have more luck?) 

Anyway, last week Chad and I bid a farewell to the snow covered ground and barren trees of Ohio and flew to the sunny skies and white sandy beaches of Jamaica.  

For the record, this was my very first trip out of the country. (I know, I’m so uncultured.)  I got myself a brand spankin’ new Passport (which nearly didn’t arrive on time) and with the kids in the very safe and caring arms of my incredible in-laws–we set off for five days away. 

Chad and I counted down to this trip for many, many months.  It has been years since we’ve had any real time away.  Of course it has–we’re parents and it’s just not a season of ‘going away’.  However, my in-laws were extremely gracious and made this trip possible for us. Chad and I were so ready to get away and be Chad and Summer for a few days. 

You know, as opposed to Mommy and Daddy.

We really had no plans for this trip–relax, enjoy, rest, and rest and rest.

Except, there is this thing that happens when you go away and slow down.  There is time to think, process, and reflect.  I’ve done a lot of that over the last week.  It began on the bus ride from the airport through the curvy, over-crowded, run-down streets of Jamaica and I have not been able to shut my mind off since.

Jamaica was a beautiful, beautiful place.
The people of Jamaica were wonderful, hard working, people.

In all honesty, I’m still chewing on all that I saw and all that I felt while we were away.  (Seriously, Chad is a saint to put up with my over-thinking, over-reflecting, over-sentimental ways.) Maybe I’ll write more about it later, but for now, a few highlight from our trip. . .

Hands down, my favorite part of the trip was this gentleman.

His name is Donnavon Dalrymple.  Each day, right before noon, he made his way up the beach with a guitar in one hand and a beer in the other.  He placed a jar at his feet and serenaded his beach bum audience with the most wonderful music. 

He exuded such joy with every strum of his guitar,  it was impossible not to love him.  You can listen to him here.

As much as Chad and I thought we would love to just veg out on the beach and do nothing all day, we quickly learned we were wrong.  We had so much fun venturing out into Jamaica, learning about the culture, and meeting the people. 

We rode on horseback, up and down a mountain. . .

And into the ocean. . .

Yep, that was cool.

We watched a gentleman stand above an 80 foot cliff preparing for a dive into the Caribbean. . .

And then we watched him dive. . .

. . . scale the cliff back up. . .
Stand on his hands on the cliffs edge. . .

And dive again. . .

And repeat. . .

Seriously, mind-blowing.

Each evening, as the sun set, we stood by the water in awe. . .

In awe of the beauty, yes, but it was more. . .

Standing there I was speechless.  In a world that is so far, but not so far, from my own.  A world that is so different, yet not so different from my own.  I felt both big and small.  Worthy and unworthy. 

It’s so hard to put into words.  So very hard. 

Maybe I’ll let Story People do the talking. . .

Hasn’t started to make sense of the world yet but thinks it’s
beautiful all the same. -Story People, Brian Andreas

Have a lovely Tuesday, Friends.

  • JoEllen Hummel - March 4, 2014 - 1:41 pm

    Oh Summer, it warms my heart to know that you were able to venture away from the busy-ness of life to experience life at a much slow pace for a little while. You really really really deserved that break! You work so hard being mama, wife, photographer, friend, daughter, sister. These photos are breathtaking– and that cliff diver….wowsers! AND you in the water riding a horse– YOU GO, GIRL! 🙂 I look forward to sitting down with you over our warm coffee (you) and hot cocoa (me) to hear more about your venture to Jamaica. Let's get together soon, k?

    • Summer Kellogg - March 6, 2014 - 3:30 am

      Thank you, JoEllen! I can't wait to get together and catch up!! (With coffee and hot cocoa, of course!)ReplyCancel

  • Ky | TwoPretzels - March 6, 2014 - 4:17 am

    Sigh. I loved these photos. The man diving. Stop it.

    There's something so humbling when we are vulnerable and in a land that is not our own. We identify and we look at who we are and where we come from so differently.

    I'm so glad that Chad and Summer (as opposed to Mommy and Daddy), were able to experience this…together.ReplyCancel

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