New York…New York (aka HIJACKED)

If you have read the “Chatter” for a while, you have come to
understand Summer’s take on life. She knows that the older our kids get, the
faster time seems to move. She shares that there are seasons of life, some of
them go by quickly, others seem to mosey along, and other seasons seem to be locked in a cosmic battle of both extremes going on simultaneously. No matter the season, she tries to soak life up as
well as humanly possible.
Right now we seem to be in season of chaos. It feels like a time-lapse of New York City streets. You know what I’m talking about, the one where you can only see the blur of passing vehicles going to and from. In the end though, I know that life is
about perspective. I know that some would ask us why we are such homebodies, while we ask
ourselves why we aren’t slowing down.

But today, today we pause from our chaos, if only for a brief moment. Today we
commemorate the day the host of this little blog ventured into this big and unknown
world. Today we celebrate her and the life that she has lived (like the countless lives she
has enriched, the amazing children she is raising, the stunningly handsome, witty and charming husband she has). (Okay, that may have been a little overboard, but you get the
picture.) Today we pause and honor YOU, Summer! Today is YOUR 30th (or so)
birthday! Today…we say HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

So instead of me rambling on and on as I typically do, or her insightful and loving friends sharing their feelings about her. You get a special treat. Today you get words straight from the subjects behind so many of the shutter clicks. Today…you get to hear
from her little ones. (Editor’s note: I am by no means a professional
videographer or photographer, so please be understanding when you watch this
video. And yes, you are experiencing the kids personalities just as we do…)
So, there you have it. Words of truth, wisdom and love from her little ones. We really appreciate you, Summer. We
appreciate how much you sacrifice for us. We appreciate how much you make us
laugh. But most of all we appreciate how much you love us. Happy Birthday! We Love You!

  • Anonymous - August 4, 2014 - 1:05 pm

    I'm not going to lie….while i look forward to celebrating Summer, i realllyyy look forward to the blog hijack!! 🙂 this one was exceptionally cute and it was good to see the three littles in full action, grateful for mommy and being totally adorable (the toothless grin? Charlie calling you "momma", Meadow singing? stop it, it's too much cute). good work, Chad! (p.s. – what do you mean no video skills? i can totally see the Oscar nomination going to you for best documentary!)
    love you both and happy birthday to a dear friend! Love, Miss ReplyCancel

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