The Best We Can. . .

We are neck deep in transition right now.  Like a lot of families we are adjusting to a new school schedule, sports schedules, and all that come with these changes.  I won’t say that we have completely adjusted yet, but we are getting there. In addition to grade school adjustments, we are also packing up the house, preparing for a move, and tying up lose ends on the new house. 

Overwhelmed might be an appropriate word here.  A few more might be: frantic, anxious, tired, and edgy. 

(You wish you lived with me, don’t you?) 

It might sound like I’m complaining.  I’m  not.  We are excited and look forward to the upcoming changes.  However, the part of me that longs to drink in every moment and feel every feeling is lost in the chaos of trying to keep up.  I have this (irrational) fear that we are missing life while we are trying to keep up with the ‘musts’, ‘needs’, and ‘have to’s’.  We’ve made so many visits to the flooring place I fear the kids are beginning to think we are moving into it. 

The other day I was allowing the guilt of our constant running from here to there, packing this and that, and meeting for this purpose and that one to settle in.  I had convinced myself that our kids will be forever scarred by these few short months of craziness and I was certain that I should start their therapy funds now.

Yep, irrational.

It’s true, we are dining on far too much mac and cheese, chicken nuggets and eggs these days.  Our time is rather limited and their rooms have been stripped bare except for the essentials.  (I may or may not have done this on the first day of school to avoid the hassle of their resistance.) Truth is, I hope they are learning valuable lessons.  Lessons about how life isn’t always all about them.  Lessons about making sacrifices.  Lessons about give and take.  Lessons that will lead to gratitude.

I think Mama’s tend to be hard on themselves.  Trying to balance home and work and relationships and children, etc., etc., is hard work.  Impossible, really.  I guess what I’m saying is that we are doing the best we can.  We aren’t doing it perfectly, but with a good nights sleep, I don’t think we are scarring them for life. 

And really, it hasn’t been ALL business.  We are taking some time when we can. 

The day before school began we stole away for a bit and enjoyed nature in all her glory.  The kids and I had been to this particular place before, but this was Chad’s first visit.  This time, he led the way and suggested we take “the more difficult trail”.  That sounded like a plan to us, so we abandoned Meadow’s stroller and took to the trails.

It truly was a glorious morning.  The skies were overcast and the temperature was absolutely perfect. We hiked up and down trails, burrowed in small places, skipped rocks into the water, and had a few falls.

I will admit, there were moments when we regretted the more difficult trail.  Or, more accurately, Chad regretted it because he had to carry Meadow for almost the entire hike.

We had a goal in mind, though.  We were headed to ‘The Falls’. 

After several miles I commented, man, I sure hope this is worth it.  The kids were making me nervous running ahead of us, we said “WALK” about 238 times, and Meadow had about had it.  To myself I was thinking, the route we usually take is a simple straight shot out and back and far less dangerous–why did we have to go this way–someone is going to be hurt.
I’m glad I didn’t say that out loud.  Chad’s way was worth it. . .

So incredibly worth it. . .

I stood back and watched as they explored and let the water fall over their heads.  I watched as they laughed and climbed and found creatures and compared their sense of adventures and I knew we wouldn’t soon forget this trip. 

As we made our way out of the forest I knew there could not have been a more perfect way to close out summer break. 

No. better. way.

Are we doing it perfect?  No a chance.  Are we doing the best we can?  Absolutley.


Have a great day, Friends.

  • Sassytimes - August 27, 2013 - 3:55 pm

    I think you are doing a wonderful job. Awesome even. 😉

    This adventure looks amazing. Looks like Hocking Hills. We want to take the kids next year when V is a little older and can manage longer. I'm totally impressed with Meadow! How awesome that she can keep up with all of you. That's so wonderful. ReplyCancel

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